My ‘Airline Transport Pilot’ (ATP) discipline equips me and our 555 Team members to generally perform at higher and managed levels. This is quite simply knowledge combined with ‘Check-Listing’. Golf loves both! Might your ‘555 Team’ suggest that you start your round with 3 to 5 ‘Pars as a strategy? We must all “Settle Into A Dependable Groove”. With these pars accomplished, we can manifest an expectation of making ‘Putts’. A ‘Birdie’ might just arrive? The alternative is that “Here We Go Again!” train-wreck with desperation following.
If you do not have the blessing of a professional ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ enabling your ‘Settling Into A Groove’, the wheels may come off. “Damn! Here We Go Again!” Do you know that failing to develop that ‘Check List’ degrades you into being a frustrated, wandering ‘Tinkerer’? Trusted skill provides warm anticipation of the ‘Putting & Chipping Processes’.
Do you know that tactful, confident golfers deal well with adversarial situations and failure? Some great strikes mean there is a Birdie only moments away! Players seldom over-react, wilt or wither in grand style. They usually accept the outcome and move on! Take it on the chin!
We must each strive to ‘Play With A Plan’. That means learning reliable ‘Dance Floor Steps’ to wonderful ‘Mental Music Melodies’ … no partner required!
Apply your known and trusted method skills.
Expect success!