We all have the gift of ‘Free Will’ (converting Desire and Dreams into Outcomes) but occasionally we fail to exercise this power efficiently. When our ‘Intuition’ speaks to us … we would best listen! Behind its music, its melody and lyrics there is meaning and opportunity.
‘Dream Big’ in technicolour always with a sprinkle of courageous realism! Evaluate your visions. Formulate a game plan, a ‘Best Practice’ spreadsheet. “I am going to focus on my ‘Putting & Chipping’ over the next month. Invite and expect at least small miracles!
Next, ‘Do Big’, even feeling a little at risk, take ‘Big Action Steps’ on course. Stretch your total machine! When is the last time you had a really productive golf review and lesson resulting in a written ‘Game Plan’ that you applied over time, one that made you happier via lower scores and with more praise from your playing buddies?
Prepare to stumble and recover enroute to becoming more sure-footed and productive. It is pat of the process.
In golf and in life, develop some practical discipline. Your ‘555 Team’ knows how effective and reassuring a science-based ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ (PSR) can be to your own best interests and real workable needs. We really do ‘Solve Complexity With Simplicity’!
Refer to our resource website and decades old global servant, award-winning, twice-weekly ‘555 Golf Newsletter’. You can subscriber via our mid ‘Home Page’ and ‘555 STORE’ in the tab bar. (hot ‘URL’ is below)
Never Give Up!