I rather like the mental image and actual motion drill known as ‘Skipping The Rock’. (Side-Arm Underhanded) You can do this wonderful educator exercise in your back yard of local park using a golf or tennis ball. (no club) Doing it at the local pond is magically better. You can see the truth! (as ball flight)
Start by stretching to warm up at least a little. Now that you are ready, set up in a ‘Normal Impact Fix’ (Address Ready is OK) do five ‘Skip The Rock’ repetitions in slow motion. No golf club required.
Want to make this ‘B-P Drill’ a home run? Start with your feet two inches apart. To start the ‘Skipping Rocks Skill Drill’, you will naturally have to ‘Step Brace Side’, say your ‘Little & Word’, Bump or Transition followed by ‘Step Target Side’ to a comfortable width. This step mechanics will fall within your normal ‘Golf Parameters’ and the ‘Skipping Drill Discipline’.
Paying attention, feel the ‘Bump’ while ‘Skipping The Rock’ under ‘Directional Control’. Notice that ‘The Hip Girdle or Pelvic Bump’ happens before your Hands reach the ‘Top Of Back Swing’. So, the ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM) is factually moving Target-ward before your ‘Upper Body Machine’ (UBM – Lever Assemblies) reaches its upward or vertical range of motion limit.
Pretty amazingly simple?
I know your thoughts! “I want to hit a ball!” OK! cleared to do so. Tee it up half an inch. Make a couple ‘Bump & Run to Punch Basic Swing’ practice swings using your ‘Captain Eyes’ while ‘Breathing Sequentially or Athletically’. Now repeat this with the ‘Chase Follow Finish Target Release Steps’. (Swing Sequence #7, #8, #8A) Focus on the ‘Impact & Separation Zone’.
Next, increase the Top Of Back Swing stroke limit to the ‘Shaft Horizontal Point’. (SS #3). Hit five balls moderately and purely. Advance your Back & Up motion to the ‘Target Lever Horizontal Point’. More Swing Length means more ‘Clubhead Speed and Distance’.
Now, do 5 more ‘Skipping The Rock Throws’ to this ‘Swing Sequence #4’ … with no club. This ‘Brace Hand Travel Distance’ (BHTD) becomes a ‘Pitch’ … probably the most useful procedure in the game! Now you will have engrained the meaning and feel of the Bump or Transition. Well done!