
Complexity To Simplicity

It is this Country Gentleman Golf Teacher’s opinion that you not ‘Change Your Grip’ to a stronger position. You may be forced to change something else? (see ‘Active or Dynamic Component – Action Reaction’) How about ‘Making The Same Old Familiar Go Straight Set-Up and Execution’? Well, the ball will Curve Right due to the wind. How about making one ‘Static or Passive Set-Up change’? Don’t change your ‘Grip’. Rotate The Golf Club Handle so the Clubface Aim (CFA) is Hooded, Shut Down or Closed. Your ‘Normal Swing’ will now counter the ‘Wind Movement’. CFA is your #1 control!

Here are two categories with 5 Components each by which you can master or are mastering and enjoying ‘The 555 Golf Academy Game’. You will already know these elements to varying degrees.

1. The 5 SET-UPS … a) Posture, b) Grip, c) Stance, d) Ball Location and e) Alignment.

2. The 5 Essential Elements … a) Clubface Aim At The Moment Of Separation, b) Clubhead Path, c) Clubhead Speed, d) Sweet Spot and 5) Angle Of Attack.

Like the pieces in a machine, these can each perform various tasks or combinations thereof to accomplish a specific outcome … Ball Flight Shape to a fairway or to Hole Out Your Ball.

Consider this: you are a ‘Right-Hander’ working on a driving range into a strong left to right cross wind, ‘Head Wind’. This is often referred to as a ‘Fade Slice Wind’ as it favours moving the ball to the right.

How might you counter this ‘Wind-Generated Curvature Tendency’ in a ‘Complex’ manner? You could adjust or fix several of the above ten components. Alter your Grip! You could Align Left. You could alter your ‘Clubhead Path’ and even ‘Pull Your Shot’! You could alter your Stance with a ‘Closed Target Foot’. This would obstruct or block your ‘Pivot Release’ and invite a case of the ‘Go Lefts’ (Target Side). You could alter your ‘Ball Location’ more forward which would invite a more ‘Closed Impact & Separation’. You could ‘Pull or Push’ to alter your ‘Ball Flight’. There are lots of options! It is better to entertain ‘One Fix’ than a jumble of five! Better to adjust the handle and Clubface Aim! Make one swing!

If you do not run your ‘Golf Game’, it shall run YOU!
There are better ways!
Control Your Clubface Aim

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.
award winning golf academy McKinney Texas

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Award-winning golf academy provides private and group instruction for beginners, advanced, and PGA players.

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