One might feel slightly ‘Unstable’ with a ‘Two Point Stance’. (Both Feet On The Ground but with the Sole of Clubhead Hovering) Remember, the instant your swing gets underway, in motion, (‘Sweeping’) you must have elevated the sole of your Clubhead at least slightly.
Always employ or apply your ‘5 Set-Ups’ … Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment. Every swing in the entire world has all of these components! Worth our attention?
However, when one ‘Sweeps Into Rotational Motion’ (see Turn & Lift – One Move Back & Up – Quiet Triangles) the gyroscopic nature of the Golf Swing creates ‘Dynamic or Centripetal (Centrifugal) Balance’. Your Captain Eyes, adequate Knee-Flex, Spinal Inclination & Tilt as well as proper Breathing (DDDB) are primary elements.
Avoid ‘Tension’ and forcing your swing into any position of in either direction … ‘Back & Up or Down & Out’. You only need to create speed in the ‘Front Swing, Lower Half Of The Swing Circle’. (Swing Sequence #7 [Pre-Impact], #8 [Impact] and #9 [The Chase & Follow Aspect])
Don’t try to make your body balance your swing! ‘Let Your Swing Balance Your Body’!
‘On Path and On Plane’ is magically efficient, comforting and reassuring!
There is ‘Simplicity In Notion’.