What makes the golf ball go up? (Trajectory and Parabola) Answer … Swinging A Lofted Clubhead Down and Through The Ballistic Point Of The Ball. (see ‘Bottom Inside Cheek’ – BIC) Purely applied impact makes good things happen!
A full and proper ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ (PSR) is a trusted discipline that will work for you!
Do NOT attempt to ‘Help The Ball Into The Sky – ‘No Lifting Moment or Action’ allowed!
Rather than making that lifting error, focus on ‘Pinching The Ball Off The Ground’ with ‘Fully-Extended’ ‘Lever Assemblies’ that are ‘Set-Up’ to get you down to the ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) where the ball is passively waiting to gladly get its ‘Butt Kicked’!
Strive to take a tidy, shallow divot 2 to 4 inches in front of the unteed ball … proof of efficiency.
When you might find yourself ‘Striking The Golf Ball Thin’ (Topping, 1st or 2nd Score Lines vs. 3rd or 4th) you must make sure that your ‘PSR Impact Fix’ is correct … Chin Tallish and Chest Pushed Up (Clearance) with ‘Brace Lever Extensor Action’. (BLEA) The ‘Tetherball Rope’ is always at ‘Full Length under Centripetal / Centrifugal Tension’. (The ‘Pulling or Slinging Outward Force is due to Orbital Velocity’)
The ‘Clubhead Mass & Energy’ must be pulling your ‘Lever Assemblies Outward Orbitally’ (Circumferentially) through the inclined plane BOSA. Think ‘Length, Arc and Width’. (LAW)
What do we apply or utilize to invite this ‘Proper Activity’? … The word “Pinch”. Do not think about ‘Picking Up or Lifting The Ball’. (‘See The Ball’, while ‘Breathing Out’ – DDDB)
‘Pinch and Do Not Lift! Your ears will hear a ‘Little Thump’ and solid ‘Whack’. Good teachers and ball strikers can hear impact perfection. Listen for it! Find a way to avoid that ‘Fat – Thin Crapola’!
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