The baseball swing is on an ‘Horizontal or Flat-ish Plane’, while the golf version is on an ‘Inclined or Tilted Plane’.
Do you have a baseball bat on hand or can you borrow one for a short time? Good! Pretend that you are standing in the batter’s box, ready to strike!
Now make some really fluid ‘Tick Tock Baseball Bat Swings’. Three back & forth series of five will be really effective. Remember to ‘See A Spot On The Ground’ (Ocular Acuity & Spatial Stability) and to ‘Breathe’ (DDB) as you accomplish this really useful exercise.
Very simply, ‘Feel The Lower & Upper Body Motion or Action ‘From The Ground Up’ and ‘From The Inside-Out’. You will be pushing off the ‘Resistive Earth with your Brace Foot’.
Your ‘Lever Assemblies’ (Arms, Hands and Bat) will feel very ‘Round & Round or to be primarily ‘Horizontal or Level’ … a baseball swing.
Of course, the ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM) dominant feel will be ‘Horizontal, Round & Round’. That is what it does!
Next, can you simply ‘Lower Your Lever Assemblies and Tip Of The Bat’ towards the ground and make five more ‘Tick Tocks’? Knee Flex is important!
Even though you are ‘Forward Inclined’, the ‘LBM Round & Round, Horizontal Motion’ will be the dominant function and feel’ … Turn Load Brace and Return Unload Target’. (see, ALSDR – Accumulate, Load, Store, Delivery & Release’ … The Power Line Delivery Sequence)
The ‘Golf Swing’ must perform in this ‘Stable Footed’ manner employing good smooth Tempo, Timing & Rhythm’ … Breathing and Seeing!