Your ‘555 Team’ has explained the following to our ‘Round Table Family’ many times over decades. If you have a grasp on the following, you are “Golden”!
‘The 5 Set-Ups’ are ‘Posture, Grip, Stance, Ball Location & Alignment’. Master them!
‘The 5 Essential Elements’ are ‘Clubface Aim at the Moment of Separation, Clubhead Path, Clubhead Speed, Sweet Spot & Angle Of Attack’. (AOA) Master them as well!
Clubface Aim is a “No Exceptions Element”. We must always point the Clubface where we want the ‘Ball Flight To Start Out’ almost regardless of ‘Alignment’! (see ‘Initial Ball Flight’)
‘Alignment’ is about the ‘Railway Track Syndrome’. There are 2 rails that are optimally ‘Parallel’. 1) ‘Target Rail’ or the straight A To B Ball Line, (Intermediate and/or Far Targets Line) and 2) the Foot or Body Rail upon which we actually stand and swing.
‘Simplicity Rules’! If we ‘Aim The Clubface’ squarely to and move it speedily along that Target Line, (with no wind) our golf ball will fly dead straight to the ‘Two Targets’. We naturally swing the ‘Sweet Spot’ on a slight ‘Radius or Arc’ around our ‘Spinal Axis or Abdominal Core’. We can soon manage that humbly complex physical reality!
Important basic? Strive to swing the ‘Clubhead Down or On The Body Line Rail or Path’ and not tangentially (Push or Pull) if possible. There are alternatives! (see ‘The 3 Clubhead Paths … Inside-Out, Square To Square and Outside-In. These alternatives generally accomplish ‘Curvature’. (see ‘Spin Rate’) More in due course if you so desire!
Accomplishing ‘Clubface Aim and Clubhead Path’ cooperation is the ‘Magic Of Golf Mechanics’ and ‘Ball Flight Control’. Hitting a straight ball with a mid to short iron (#8 or #9 and NOT with your Driver) is ‘Job #1’. Learn the basics and earn your ‘Happiness’!
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