To Get Better, You Have To Improve At A Task!
A little basic information … ‘A Chip is a Putt with a Hop!’ This ‘Hop’ is created with the ‘Factory Loft’ and not with any manipulation!
Here are 9 tangible ‘Putting & Chipping Tasks’ for YOU.
- Create a written ‘Set-Up Game Plan’.
- Create a ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ and use it every time you step onto the ‘Dance Floor’.
- Develop a repeatable ‘Stroke Pattern’ … That means ‘Quiet Triangles’.
- Learn how to control ‘Pace & Speed’. (Consistent Energy Management)
- Conquer your ‘Initial Ball Rolling Direction’. Use an ‘Intermediate Target’.
- Master ‘Green Reading’. That means enjoying this important ‘Art Form’.
- If your Hands Are In Motion, your Eyes are not! (Ocular Acuity)
- If your Hands Are In Motion, you must be ‘Breathing Out’.
- Trust In Yourself and let that power be known!
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