That will not make you a smiley faced golfer!
It seems to help universally if one views or strives to make a ‘Divot In Front Of The Ball Location’.
Another way of considering this ‘Hanging Back’ is paying attention to your ‘Weight Distribution’. The ‘Hang Back’ chronically keep weight on your ‘Brace or Back Foot’. This affects the ‘Slope of your Shoulders’. Your Brace Shoulder will be too low too long. If this is the case, feel that your Shoulder Axis gets and remains ‘Level Earlier and Longer’.
Never feel like you are swinging ‘Uphill At’ or ‘Lifting The Golf Ball. The Golf strike is a ‘Down & Through Activity’. Strive to ‘Pinch The Ball Off The Grass’ and not to lift it up into that nice satisfying trajectory. The ‘Clubhead Loft’ produces the ‘Up’ by swinging down. (see ‘Angle Of Attack’ – AoA)
Ponder a ‘Downhill Lie’ (Specialty Shot). What is your ‘555 Golf Key To Success? ‘Match Your Shoulder Slope or Plane’ with the ground you are standing on. We must all strive to swing relatively ‘Level To The Ground’ with a little ‘Pinch Through The Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA). More bang for your buck? The reciprocal applies to an ‘Uphill Lie’. ‘Match Your Shoulders’ in order to get happy!
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