‘Clubhead Lag’ is primarily a matter of ‘Passive Position or Set-Up of your Golf Parts or Components’ prior to the swing’s actually taking place. When we become ‘Active or Dynamic’ we see ‘Velocity and Delivered or Kinetic Energy’ in action … doing ‘Bend & Straighten Work’.
Where are my Hands and Sweet Spot relative to my ‘Target Hip Socket’ through the ‘Pre-Impact’ and ‘Impact & Separation Zone’? They are trailing or lagging behind the powerhouse! (see ‘Pivot Core’)
The ‘Lower Body Machine’ (LBM … Hips & Core) ‘Leads’ all the ‘Upper Body Machine Components’ back to the ball. (UBM – Lever Assemblies, Hands, Wrists and Arms and the Actual Golf Club).
Do you actively make ‘Lag’ or create a ‘Lag Angle’ during the ‘Loading Phase’? (‘Line of the Target Lever related to the Shaft Line’ – In Line vs. having an ‘Acute Angle’ consciously and deliberately?)
The primary answer is “NO!” We naturally contribute to ‘Lag Angle’ with ‘Set-Up’ and can accomplish it ‘Consciously, Actively or Dynamically’, if we so desire, but that is a ‘Golf Swing Motion Error’.
When the ‘Hands, Wrists, Arms and Clubhead’ get behind the ‘Advancing Hip Girdle’ (‘Trailing’), we accomplish ‘Lag and Lag Pressure’. (see ‘Position & Dynamics’)
How does the ‘LBM’ contribute to ‘Lag and Lag Pressure’? When you are ‘Enroute To Your TOB’ (SS #5 – Top Of Back Swing) you accomplish a little ‘Clubhead Velocity and Mass Energy’. At TOB your ‘LBM runs into its ‘Range Of Motion Stops or Limiters’. The Body Parts have become tight and at their limit. This subtle process actually ‘Sets Your Initial Wrist Cock and Lag Angle’. The LBM stops and the UBM keeps going a little, hence ‘Wrist Angle or Wrist Cock’!
What next? When your ‘LBM creates ‘Pivot or Going Away Thrust Pressure’ (see ‘Brace Leg Drive’), the more that happens, the more the Hips Lead and the ‘Lever Assemblies Lag’ and fall behind. ‘Pivot Pressure sets and tightens Wrist Cock’, especially during your ‘Transition & Acceleration’.
So, ‘Pivot Pressure’ is a primary contributor to ‘Clubhead Lag’.
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