This is an advanced ‘Golf Mechanical Topic’ but you might enjoy the conversation? Your ‘555 Team’ shall try to ‘Keep It Stupid Simple’! The Solution To Complexity Is Simplicity!
As you are well aware, we refer to ‘The Brace or Hitting Hand and Lever’ as the ‘Bend & Straighten’ or ‘Push Lever’. It is logically on the ‘Push Side of your ‘Golfing Machine’. It is also referred to as the ‘Thrust Link’ or lever. It produces the ‘Lion’s Share of the ‘Velocity’ (Clubhead Speed) as it ‘Pushes and Hits Through The Little White Ball’. (Impact & Separation)
We refer to ‘The Target or Swinging Hand and Lever’ as the ‘Pull Lever’. It is logically on the ‘Pull Side’ of your ‘Golfing Machine’. It is referred to as the ‘Drag Link’ for that reason.
Regardless whether these two Links are ‘Thrust or Drag Link’ performance, they have a job to do! Is one or the other more important and functional? We are not overly aggressive in our thinking yes or no!
It is this learned ‘Country Gentleman Golf Teacher’s fervent opinion that our net delivered golf swing is a ‘Swinging Hit’ combination!
Which Lever Assembly produces the greater ‘Delivered Power’?
If you are a right-handed boxer, you generally deliver the ‘Knock-Out Punch’ with your ‘Brace Hand and Arm’. You might create control with your ‘Target Lever’, but you deliver the ‘Kill Shot’ with your ‘Brace Hitting Lever’ … Pushing & Thrusting and not Pulling & Dragging.
When anyone professes or promotes that we create ‘Clubhead Speed’ with the ‘Target Lever Assembly’ (Drag Link) is simply misinformed. The Target Lever is straight from Take-Away, to TOB, through the ‘Impact & Separation Zone’. How might this create enormous acceleration and Clubhead Speed resulting in grand ‘Distances’ and controlled ‘Directions’? Doesn’t and Won’t!