Bunker Work.
Let me please tell you about a ‘Bullet-Proof Bunker Drill’ that is a baseline experience. It is called ‘The Line Drill’. Just draw a straight line in the sand working squarely away from your feet and chest. It is useful to have this line just inside your Target Heel about equivalent to your ‘Putting Ball Location … about 2 inches from the back of the line to the inside of your ‘Target Foot’.
When this is accomplished, make several Tallish-Chested and Longish-Armed swings that just thump the sand. You will recall that this is about your ‘Tether all Pole’ (TOP) Bottom Of Swing Arc (BOSA – Bottom). You will find that your divot starts just behind the ball and extends two to four inches out in front of the ball and line. You do not want to be too deep or FAT as you may not get the ball out of the bunker! Put another way, your ‘Angle Of Attack’ (AOA) should be more ‘Shallow’ than many might think.
Interested in a trick that works like a charm?
Feel pretty ‘Deep’ in your ‘Lever Assemblies BOSA’ under that ‘Tallish CHIN’. Then strive to ‘Take ½ an inch of sand from directly under your ball’. In doing so, you will make a bit of a ‘Thumping Sound’.
You will enjoy the results of this regimen. One you establish a successful sequence, practise it regularly! You shall quickly get very skilled a getting off the beach!
‘FAT & THIN’ are demoralizing golf problems world-wide … worse than the ‘Slice’. This ‘Bunker Work’ will help you get past impact issues!
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