In golf, that is when the ball flight climbs steadily and keep climbing to a distinct top of trajectory, from which it falls sharply to the earth. We professionals refer to them as ‘Floaters’.
They do not go as far as we might hope … for a reason. They inefficiently consume a lot of energy with too much ‘Back or Under Spin’ that is contrary to our desire for distance and optimal roll … more Air and Ground Time.
Club factory ‘Loft’ factors. More ‘Loft’ produces higher ‘Launch Angle’.
Angel Of Attack (AOA) factors. The steeper your Clubface descends to the ball in the ‘DOFT’ phase (Down Out Forward & Through), the greater the ‘Back or Under Spin’ … usually negative condition. Your Driver requires and ‘Ascending Strike’. (see ‘Ball Location’)
Exaggerated or amplified ‘Spin Rates’ are relevant to the ‘Clubhead Speed’ and ‘Cut Rates’ (see ‘Clubface Aim and Clubhead Path’). Until your Driver CH Speed are in the 70-90 MPH range, you will not suffer from such ills as Snap Hooks or Banana Slices, but you will very likely struggle with ‘Ball Flight Directional Control’ and certainly ‘Distance’.
The average golfer could care less about ‘Actual Numbers’ related to either X or Y Axis Spin Rates. The professional Players want to accomplish ‘Parabolic Driver Ball Flight’ and they thus hear about the Face and Ball dynamics. The Trackman and Flight Scope equipment is very expensive … $15,000+ dollars. It is also technically demanding and thus a relatively rare honest and informed occurrence. Proper operation demands proper training!
FYI, the high performance, Over-Spun Driver Ball may ‘Back or Under Spin’ between 2800 to 3100 RPM. The ideal ‘Driver Spin Target’ is from 2000 to 2300 RPM. So, now you have some physical numbers and parameters!
How is your ‘Ball Flight’?