We have a minimum of fair comments about our use of basic ‘Acronyms’ … ‘TOB’ stands for ‘Top Of Back Swing’. You have noticed that we also always include the full wording for clarity.
Here is something your ‘555 Team’ always tells our clients. “If you establish Swing Stations, (‘TOB’ is one of them) and get proficient at hitting these ‘Check Points’, you shall become very much more ‘Consistent’ and ‘Happier’! If you miss getting into your garage by two feet, you are likely to be ‘Unhappy’! Please be aware that this ‘Positioning Comfort’ has to be earned the ‘Old Fashioned Way’ … through hard, repetitive motions over time. Have you heard that you will need to make 4,000 quality controlled repetitions to accomplish a ‘Swing Change’? That is just pure ‘Bovine Scata’.
I am convinced, by my own swing experience and those of thousands of my career student base, that, once you understand ‘Set-Up’ and ‘Execute’ a fairly small number of ‘Proper Swings’ with good outcomes, you can make the change. You can ‘Master Golf Basics’ … embrace the new or retune the old!
Our topic is ‘The 6 Inch TOB Circle’. It is a ‘Primary Check Point’! There are ‘11 Swing Sequences’. You can read the complete formal description via your ‘Website Membership’. All have significant merit and purpose! The ‘Four Primaries’ that you need are 1) Swing Sequence #1 … ‘Impact Fix’, 2) SS #5 … ‘TOB’, 3) SS #8 … ‘Bottom Of Swing Arc’ (BOSA) or ‘the Impact & Separation Zone and 4) SS #10 … ‘Top Of Front Swing’ (TOF). If SS #5 is precise, with a ‘Stable Pivot, your SS #8 will tend to be as well!
You may think that having to learn ‘11 Swing Sequences’ is ‘Over Kill’. That is your privilege and you would be wrong! If you need help understanding these ‘Swing Sequences’ … “AskUs!”
To the ‘Title’ … ‘Your 6 Inch TOB Circle’. Our worthy goal is ‘Swing Consistency’. How and Why ‘The 6 Inch TOB Circle’. Use a full-length mirror or a Video Camera at 15 Feet (focal length) squarely in front and level with you ‘Target Wrist Hinge’. Swing properly to your ‘TOB’. Place a ‘Yellow Dot’ where the ‘Golf Club Sweet Spot’ arrives. This records the ‘Outcome’ of your proper ‘Process’.
The ‘Objective of this Bullet-Proof Skill Drill’ is to arrive at the very same place (In the 6” Circle’) every one of a dozen practice swings to TOB … SS #5. When you get there (3 Dimensional Space), press your ‘Save or Enter Memory Button’. Epoxy this ‘Swing Sequence’ to your golf mechanical memory.
Fabulous! ‘Work Smart’! Well done!