The Slice is a Poor Man’s Hook!
A lot less ‘Applied Energy’ is required to create a Slice than to Hook! Less clubhead motive effort?
If a golfer knows how to ‘Hook’ he or she can readily ‘Slice’. The opposite situation is also quite true! This teacher can help a golfer ‘Slice’ in only a few minutes. Learning to ‘Hook’ takes a little longer. Quite honestly, I do not know why any sane golfer would like to do either … Hook or Slice? There is no situation that cannot tolerate a straight shot even if it has to be a little shorter! Perfection might enjoy a little ‘Dog-Leg Tail’ on the straight shot but it is not mandatory! There is more than one way to play a dog-leg … two straight strikes will do the job!
The ‘Slice’ is an ‘Open Clubface’ with an ‘Outside-In Clubhead Path’ and ‘Slow or Blocked Hands’. (see ‘Hard or tight Handed’)(see ‘X Axis or Horizontal Spin Rate’ – Curvature to the Low Energy Side Of The Target Line)
Logically, the ‘Hook’, flipside of the coin, is a ‘Close Clubface’ with an ‘Inside-Out Clubhead Path’ and ‘Fast or Turned Over Hands’. (see ‘Soft Release Handed’)(see ‘X Axis or Horizontal Spin Rate – Curvature to the High Energy Side Of The Target Line)
Time for a Feel and making some real golf things happen … Sweet Spots Talking to Golf Balls!
The proof is in the ‘Ball Flight Pudding’!
Do yourself a favour … watch your ball action after it touches down. This will help you find it and know what its ‘Landing Spin Rate’ is … very important!
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