Where were you with your golf skills a year ago?
Where will you be with your golf game in another year?
Where do you want to be five years from now?
You cannot accomplish a lot in a day or a week, but in an organized year you may well have traveled the Earth and be full of great memories and achievements! “Never Give Up!”
Can you project 52 weeks out? Do you want to? Even farther? Can you write a game plan?
Golf is like life! It is important to be interesting and interested or your friends will be few and your audience will be even fewer. It is important to cultivate and nourish friendship as golf does!
Do not compromise your values and goals!
Quadrant The Greens!
Hit your 5,10 and15 Foot Targets with approach sticks! (‘Body Clocking Grid Sheet’)
Chip and Pitch to your 12 Inch Landing Circles. (‘Club Selection & Energy Management’)
Dedicate to using your ‘8 Step Putting & Chipping Pre Shot Routine’ (PSR).
Criticism does not necessarily have to be negative! Embrace it!
Strive to have ‘Desire, Honesty and an Open Mind’. (‘Advanced Golf is a Mental Endeavour’)
‘The 555 System’ makes the golf product and journey predictably better!