
Target Hand Low

Target Hand Low

You have heard of ‘Left Hand Low’ and know it is a ‘Grip Description’ for primarily ‘The Flat Stick or Putter’ and occasionally for the ‘Chipping Tools’ if you so desire. The most common Grip is Brace Hand Low’. With this procedure, the Brace Hand is about four inches...

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The Inquisitive Student

The Inquisitive Student

“The Inquisitive Student Is A Teacher’s Blessing!” … why we continue to do what we do … invest in the hacker’s pursuit of excellence! These special humans seem to know intuitively that asking good questions prompts good answers and certain pleasure. Thank you! Here is...

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Unloaded Target Wrist Hinge Think about our ‘Pre-Shot Routine’ tasking of ‘Pres-Pres’. This is also called ‘Impact Fix’ which is a ‘Primary Task’ and a critical ingredient in the recipe for golf striking success. The back of your ‘Target or Swing Hand’ gets to the...

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Clinics & Schools

Clinics & Schools

Just had an ‘AskUs’ e-Mail from a ‘555 Golf Round Table Member’. Great to be globally connected! Thank you for that privilege! She asked what was the difference between a ‘Golf Clinic and a School’? A ‘Golf Lesson’ can range from 45 to 75 minutes and is a ‘One On One...

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Where Are You Looking

Where Are You Looking

HIT THE BALL WHERE YOU ARE LOOKING Under Precise Control Use precisely measured and defined ‘Targets’ (see ‘Ballistic, Intermediate and Far’ - Ballistic Impact Point is our ‘Red Dot located at the Bottom Inside Cheek’ - BOSA) You will be able to hit a golf ball down a...

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Calibrated Average Distance

Calibrated Average Distance

One must know how far his or her ball actually ‘Flies or Carries’ in order to have the ability to ‘Manager The Game’, out there, for real using a pencil and score card! (see ‘Air-Time Distance’ vs. ‘Ground-Time Distance’) A reason for this regimen is, “How far might...

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