
Hovering: Is it optional?

Hovering: Is it optional?

To hover in golf means that one has the ‘Weight of the Golf Club In Hand’. The sole of the Clubhead is very slightly elevate above the grass … ‘Hovering Like A Helicopter’. IT IS NOT OPTIONAL Why? If one allows the Golf Club Weight to sit on the grass, the Clubhead...

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Just about the game

Just about the game

There is a 100 year trend of ‘Ball Flight Distance Increases’ as well as a corresponding increase in the length of golf courses, across the game globally. The USGA, the R&A and professionals who stand on the grass every day, teaching and playng, believe this...

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Putting Protocols

Putting Protocols

Each separate ‘Golf Swing Procedure’ has some variations in ‘Characteristics’. It helps us to list or define these in order to clarify or identify the variables. Here are the basic ‘Putting Characteristics’ or ‘Components’. 1) ‘POSTURE, Proper Spine Angle’ to support...

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To Release or Not To Release

To Release or Not To Release

“To release what?” is the question. The answer is to release loaded ‘Configuration, Condition, Components or Position’ as well as to release stored, ‘Potential or Ready Energy’ into the ‘Kinetic, Active or Dynamic’ form … to achieve ‘Stopped At The TOB’ (‘Zero...

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How to Practice Golf Efficiently

How to Practice Golf Efficiently

“Small Things Add Up To Big Things. Inch By Inch, It’s A Cinch!” We must learn to wriggle, roll over (from back to tummy), crawl, stand up, fall safely, toddle and then learn to logically walk before we run! Can you think of any effective alternatives? One must...

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Why the Flat Target Wrist

Why the Flat Target Wrist

We have ‘2 Golf Lever Assemblies’ … Target or Swinging Lever and Brace or Hitting Lever. We appropriately refer to the ‘Flat Target Wrist’ as a ‘Hinge’ and as one of the ‘13 Primary Articulating Human Joints’ (PAJ). It is useful to use good appropriate English names...

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