
Wind Play Protocols

Wind Play Protocols

1. ‘EVALUATE’ the wind’s ‘Direction and Velocity’ remembering that these change significantly with height above the ground and when trees and other factors are present. 2. ‘VISUALIZE’ the ‘Ball Flight’ or ‘Shot Pattern’. 3. ‘KEEP UNDER THE WIND’. Logically, if there...

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Money, Money, Money

Money, Money, Money

This took some statistical digging so please excuse me if I have a few sequential and total earnings errors. You will get the picture … not your average career sports figures incomes worldwide! Curiosity kills the cat and tempts the mouse? Some numbers you will enjoy...

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Chipping & Pitching Fundamentals in Golf

Chipping & Pitching Fundamentals in Golf

We must strive every day in our golf pursuits to ‘Keep It Stupid Simple’! Our golf lives will improve with this approach and attitude. How important are our ‘Approach Shots’, strikes to those ‘5/10/15 Foot Circles’? Oh, what a rhetorical question! Any substantial...

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GOLF ‘FAQs’ … How Can I Prevent Fat Shots?

GOLF ‘FAQs’ … How Can I Prevent Fat Shots?

QUESTION   ART: "Golf is my first love but I hate those 'Big Beaver Pelts' some people call 'Divots'. It seems my long irons are the worst." ANSWER:       These are what is known as 'FAT HITS' and can be cured quite simply if...

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